Festival blog

Cafe of Reminiscence

Another Cafe of Reminiscence is being held in the staff canteen at Glasgow Royal Infirmary on 3 November from 10am - 2pm.

Staff working within NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde have decided to host a reminiscence café to support To Absent Friends. Conversation menus will be used to encourage staff to have conversations about death and dying.

Staff from Palliative Care, the Chaplaincy, and Health Improvement will chat to staff and encourage them to write a message to someone they’ve lost and place it on a board. At the end of the day, these messages will be collated to make a memory book which will be placed within the hospital chapel for future access.

Food will be provided, as well as resources on power of attorney, will making, Dying Matters leaflets, the Living Life organisation, and bereavement leaflets. Display boards will be used to exhibit the photographic display commissioned last year to celebrate To Absent Friends.

Everyone is very welcome to join in.

If you'd like to hold your own Cafe of Reminiscence see our handy guide here.

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