Forty Seven pairs of shoes
Lie empty on our streets
Worn soles represent poor souls
Who walked Earth with tired feet
Bruised and battered, hungry, cold
No roof over their head
No one to tuck them in at night
Or make sure that they were fed
No one to love them or care for them
Or treat them like their own
No one to open their doors to them
Or offer them a home
These shoes represent a life
That somehow walked a path
Where the wearers rarely smiled
And very seldom laughed
These shoes represented
Requests to spare some change
Sometimes only in return for
Blank stares, disgusted looks,
And the message they were 'strange'
But life can sure difficult
We all know this to be true
It can all change in a heart beat
And one day... It could be you
Reach out to others where you can
Don't wait until it's all too late
One day you might find yourself in their shoes
And be number forty eight
Share a story about The 47 people who lost their lives on streets of Glasgow
Site content © Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care. Charity no 17979.