He was a follower of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, now known as the spiritual master, Osho. Philip was a disciple for nearly twenty years, before I met him. This experience coloured his life in both good and not so good ways, but it certainly made for some interesting conversations. He wrote a great blog in his last year (philiprogers.co.uk)
Actually, I feel that in his dying he gave me a great gift. This is a strange thing to say, but so many unusual and incredible things happened to me after he died that I really did feel this.
So I wrote my book Gifted By Grief: A True Story of Cancer, Loss and Rebirth which came out in September 2015 to great acclaim. I am really pleased now that his life continues to contribute to many others through his blog posts in this book, my journal entries at the time, and the many humorous and illuminating stories within it.