If you'd like to help promote the To Absent Friends festival online and on social media there are some ideas below.
If you want to draw attention to the festival, you can download some tweetable photos here:
Ideas for tweets
I’m changing my photo to [insert name of person] for #ToAbsentFriends. [Add tribute to them]
Today, I’m remembering [insert name of person] for #ToAbsentFriends, a people’s festival of storytelling and remembrance.
What are you doing for #ToAbsentFriends? We are [insert event or activity here]. More ideas here: http://bit.ly/2gPLtFR
We’re taking part in #ToAbsentFriends by [insert event or activity here]! Come and join in! [Add URL for event if applicable]
Nominate a song of remembrance to a loved one who has died for #ToAbsentFriends http://bit.ly/1LZx18o
What song reminds you of someone who has died? http://bit.ly/1LZx18o #ToAbsentFriends
I've left a message to remember [person] on the #ToAbsentFriends wall of remembrance http://bit.ly/2A0COsN
Follow The Library of Legends on Instagram and send in a page for the Library in memory of someone who has died. Be as specific or as general as feels comfortable.
It can be:
-a drawing, painting or cartoon
-a poem, a story, or song lyrics
-a recipe, list, or inside joke
Ideas for Facebook posts
To Absent Friends, a people’s festival of storytelling and remembrance, is taking place across Scotland from 1-7 November. We’re getting involved and you can too. Find out all about it here: http://www.toabsentfriends.org.uk
We have changed our profile picture to [insert name of person] for To Absent Friends, a people’s festival of storytelling and remembrance. [Person] was important to us because [reason].
We’re taking part in To Absent Friends, a people’s festival of storytelling and remembrance, taking place across Scotland from 1-7 November. [Details of event]
To Absent Friends festival are building a playlist dedicated to people who have died: http://bit.ly/1LZx18o What songs do you associate with happy memories?
This online remembrance wall is a place to leave a tribute to someone who had died: online remembrance wall
Is there a song that reminds you of someone? We're creating a playlist of songs that have special memories for people - you can add your own piece of music and story here: remembrance playlist
To Absent Friends Twitter: www.twitter.com/2absentfriends
The Library of Legends Instagram: www.instagram.com/library_of_legends2023
Good Life, Good Death, Good Grief Facebook: www.facebook.com/lifedeathgrief
Good Life, Good Death, Good Grief Instagram: www.instagram.com/lifedeathgrief/