Wall of remembrance

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Wils; You enriched my life with the time we shared. Walking, camping, talkin and sharing.You have made me who Iam now. Your red, red rose forever.
4 years already mum and I miss you so much I wish you were here to meet my husband and to see your grandson grow up love you mum Cathy see you one day
Miss you Uncle Tommy can still hear your laughter rippling through the family
My beautiful Mummy. How my heart aches for you. You make me want to wake up each day and be a better person. Bonded forever. Your girl Lauren xxx
Dad we never got to say goodbye. miss you so much. Thank you for all the special memories which I will hold in my heart and treasure forever.
To Dad, I wish you could see your granddaughters now. Every day I strive to be as good a father to them as you were to me. I miss you every day.
My mum who started saving for Christmas in the summer to make sure everyone had a lovely day.
For Ali. So glad you are at peace because it was a hard hard journey that you had to take. Miss you loads. Kirnie x
Always in my thoughts DWJD... love and miss you dearly. xxx
Your great granddaughter calls you special Nana, a twinkling star in the sky. You never met any of them but they have heard all the stories
In memory of mum and dad with love, Alastair.
To Gran, Hazel and Rosalind. Three beautiful and courageous women. We all miss you more every day, your spirit and love stays with us always.
Arthur McAneny - taken too soon by the COVID Pandemic. Amazing Father, Grandfather & Friend to all who knew him. Shine Bight Auld Yin! Miss You.XXX <3
Dad I miss you x
To my Dad & Gran who I miss so much,they were and always will be loved ,thank you for being you x my heart aches but the memories help x love you xx
Dad x you were so sure Mum was waiting for you . I hope she was & that all the rest who went before you were waiting with her x I miss you
To a great man, well remembered. Evelyn.
Dad not a day goes by that I dont think about you. Love you
Rhona, you will always be in our thoughts x
Dad you were my hero and not a day goes by where i dont think of you. Would do anything for 1 last kiss and cuddle. Love tracy xxx
My wonderful husband David and an amazing father to our children - we miss you dearly and think about you every day XXX
Precious Sami boy my sweet angel miss you every day.Hope your having heavenly time with your gorgeous friend Lucas. Xox
Dad-your life shaped mine in profound ways. Our shared love of singing and joy of being in the stillness on the mountain tops. Your love lives on.xx
Remembrance Day brings a new meaning to me this year. My heart is broken without you Dave, you're still everything to me. I Love You 💙 xxxxxxxxxx
Dad, love and miss you with every breath we take. Till we meet again......
Yvonne please know your mum, Billy & Amy miss you with every wakening day however they are doing fine xx
my husband. 4 years gone and still miss you so much. x
Alex, miss you so much xxxx
Hope you're still making sweet music wherever you are Steve. Remembering the good times, we love and miss you.. till we meet again x
Sara u left us all too soon, u dazzled so brightly I wish u didn't go Dee xo
Becky - we were all just that bit brighter + happier when you were around.
Oh mein Papa - thinking about you so much and get to understand you more as I'm growing older myself. The best arguments I've ever had - with your xxx
Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die"
Actually miss the drama between us. Miss you Mum, more than I could ever explain.
Dad, Ma,George, Jeff and Archie 💚well Missed and always loved see you at the back o the goals! The Mitchell and Jeromson family. 🇳🇬GGTTH
Ralph - thank your for all the happy memories and continuing to influence my life even in your absence.  I miss u every day. Love always xx
I miss my brother Alan! My best friend also mum and dad! Miss our chats and hugs
Absent friend – Jimmy, missing you.
To my mum, Marti Docherty, passed on 23.03.14 in St Andrews Hospice, you were the glue that kept us all together, we miss you xxxxx
Miss you so much, dad. Never got the chance to say goodbye Wasn't with you at the end. Please forgive me Xung
stephen we didn't get to say goodbye your missed more than words can say but your not in pain anymore rip love you xx
Six years ago tomorrow and I still miss you everyday Mum. You are still my inspiration and your feisty nature lives on in us all. Love you Mum. Carrie
Mum, I don't know how I've managed without your words of wisdom for the last 5yrs. Miss you Love Emma xx
For Gerard and Roisin my precious angels you brought love joy and laughter to all who knew you , its such a privilege being your mummy love always xx
To "my Sheila". I was so lucky to have Sheila as my sister-in-law. Sheila was the sister i never had, Sheila, you were my best friend too. Love,Mauree
Dad you truly are a legend. Such a colourful character to all who knew you. It's an honour to be your daughter. You are sorely missed everyday x x x
Mum, so glad we had a wee glass on your last night on earth - love you and miss you.
Happy birthday Daddy, love and miss you always x
Norah the climber, the teacher, the actress but most of all wonderful friend. Still miss you and your craziness.
To grandmother, always said “put your liberty bodice on or you will get arthritis in later years”
Warm beautiful memories of my most amazing dad, he continues to be my daily inspiration..... Love you forever Dad Trisha 💙😘
To my darling grandmother Paulina. Thank you for everything!
To Bernadette, you left so quickly that none of us had a chance to say how we felt about you leaving. You were so Alive and a light has gone out xxx
To Mum, You tried so hard to hang on for the new babies. To passed just a few days to early. xx
Missing u so much bro hope ur blazing up there 👆😔
My Mum liked purple.
Just over a year since Mum passed away. I am a 50 year old man and sometimes it feels like it was only yesterday.
In memory of John Barr Musselburgh Cycling Club.
To all those we forgot to remember.
To my Auntie Ina, I miss you so much. I so wish I could bring my boys in to see you, you would love each other so much x
The immense gap in my life with you both gone is made to feel better because I know you will both be together in heaven! Love and miss you both xx
It has been nearly 10 years mum since you passed love and miss you every day. If only there was a gateway to heaven love your daughter Roberta xxx
Mum, Dad, Janet , lorraine and Louise xxxx
Missing my funny outgoing amazing husband Robert Stewart......always made every day a joy.....still loved still missex every single day 6 yrs later.l
My man child ! Joseph love and miss you every day of my life
Hi Mum, Dad, Liam, Harry, Maureen, Aunt Kathleen. Hope you are all looking over me & guiding me. Keep me safe if you can. See you all one day. Rosie
You did it Rachel - your choice - your way - We miss you!
On honeymoon, my husband and I went to get into bed and the whole thing collapsed. Everyone ran into the room to see what had happened. I miss James.
Fynn, I miss your soft white polar bear fur and your sparkly brown eyes, and that loving look you kept only for me. I felt so proud to be your owner.
to my amazing husband my daring mark i miss you so much wish you were here every day love you soo muchh every dayxxxxxxxxxxx
For Danny whose favourite phrase was, “I’ll be the judge of that” Muriel x
You made the best doughnuts.
Mum & Dad & Dad Precious memories, laughs and overriding love and pride for your family.
My Steve "cos we are gonna be, forever you and me" love you & miss you so much xxxx
For my darling son Daniel, love you always, mum
never forgotten
To my lovely Dad. You left us far too soon. I would give anything to see you & hug you again. Maybe one day you leaving will sink in. love you Dad xxx
Mum, I hope you knew how loved you were. You live on in our memories xxx
Miss you all so much. THank you for being in my life. In my heart forever & always.
To our lovely Dad, H and I think of you every day. We are still guided by your support.
It is almost two whole years since you left us suddenly and unexpectedly in those early hours of 21 November 2017. Miss you always Dimitri. Ann x.
Dad your in my thoughts every day, wish you could could come back for one of them-love carol x
To my gran, granda and papa. Miss you all so much and think of you often. Wish you were still here. All my love xx
Rest in peace our lovely wee Barbara.
Seeing Aunty Phil yesterday was just like looking at you. You live on in so many wonderful ways x x
Remembering and talking daily about many family n friends - they never knew how much they meant to me
will always love and remember you gran thank you for all your love and help love from carole
Alive & well in all you give whihch enlightens my spirit and work in this world. Str Pesky may the finger never die. xxxx
I always think about you Grandad when I'm gardening. Miss you every day. Love Lou x
to gran rachel may you rest in peace and know how much i love and miss you thanks for all you did for me love carole
Miss you with all our hearts. You brightened up everyone you met with that beautiful smile. Emma and James talk about you everyday. Slee
So often in my thoughts and so thankful for half a century of friendship. M
My lovely Dad, John McGuire 11/07/2016. All the family miss you but are ever so thankful for having you. Always in our hearts ♥️
To Mum, Dad, and all my other family who are on the other side, I miss you but I know you walk beside me. Until we meet again xx
To our Chris, beloved son, brother, uncle and friend. You left a gap in our lives when you died 5 years ago but you will always be in our hearts. xx
My mam, baking day on a Thursday – coming in from school and the worktops covered in cakes, pies and brownies.
goodbye gran thank you for all you did for me i will always remember you sweet dreams in heaven love carole
Lewis,words can never express how much I love and miss you. A totally inspirational young man who touched the lives of so many, especially me.Love Mum
Mum and Dad, you are both sadly missed. xx
Grampa I miss you everyday and days like today make it even harder. Pull some strings up there and get gran better ASAP all my love k xxxxxxx
Dad, we loved you yesterday, we love you still. Always have and always will.
Miss you so much dad. Yoi were a true gentleman and will nevwr be forgotten <3
It feels like yesterday Mum. I look for you every day
Grandpa, you never did dance at my wedding ❤️
Miss you very much Carole. A chunk of fun has gone out of my life - I guess you need to be thankful for what you've had. Thanks for the memories hon.
Emma, an infectious laugh, a creative spirit, an inspiration to many.
Miss you so much Mum, and now Ringo too. You are both forever in my hear. No more pain, hope you are at peace x
So many memories, so much to be greatful for - Mum + Dad. "Good to remember"
Mum, when I look at my baby,bursting with love, I feel how much you loved me. I think about you every day. Hope to make you proud. Love you always xx
In memory of my Dear Sister Margaret McHugh Miller. You were taken so young although will live with me forever. Your wee Brother Gogy!
love u dad and miss u still
To our beautiful & perfect child - always loved & never forgotten xxx
Miss you every day, wish I had told you...wish I had realised!.... how much you meant to me
Mum & Dad .Wullie Keegan & Mary Keegan Sadly Missed Marion.lilian.Robert William.Thomas.Andrew .Jack R I P .And All Other Family Members xx
We love and miss you more each day Matthew. What a wonderful son, brother, grandson, cousin and godfather you will always be.
Love you Grandpops
To my love, Elaine Hosie...up to the sky and back down again. Forever, for ever, ever! Roni xxxx
Eddie Robertson. Much missed husband, dad, grandad and soon-to-be great grandad. Remembered every day x
Miss you so much Jennifer always in my thoughts forever in my heart love mum xx❤️
To my Grandma...Rene...Miss you all the time and it's only now at this age I realise how alike we are! Wish you were here to meet my girls, hilarious
Too many! Too soon! If only I could have one more day with you all... the best party list ever!
To everyone I have lost. Thanks for making my life have meaning. I miss you all
To Gordon, the garden volunteer .Just to say your recycled strawberry planters are working really well and we still miss you – a lot.
Graham, a wonderful hubby, best friend and Dad. Miss you loads and your smile. Nancy, Lynsey and Louise xxx
Beagle - I'm sorry your not around to see your beloved Leicester City doing well. I always remember you when I see their score on TV.
For my brother, Andy. You carved your own way in this world. It was a struggle too often than was fair. You taught me more than I knew. Love always. X
I think of you every time I see a robin. I miss those stories.xx
Jake, thanks for carrying me home that day. See you around buddy. xx
Gran, we miss you everyday, I know you're looking out for us all. Hope you're having fun with Grandad. We love you, always in our hearts x
For our loved ones, you are all "Loved today, yesterday and forever more" Glenda & Mo xx
To my darling Alex, I will hold you in my heart forever. I miss you every day and the last 37 years were the best years of my life. Till we meet again
Veronica your huge wide smile, your wit, your total unselfishness I miss u DBH x
So many things I should have said, so many apologies we could have exchanged, the regrets I have to live with now, the pain of parting is still there
Never knew it would be possible to miss anyone as much as you my lovely gentle Da
uncle john miss you think about you every day hope you are in heaven with my dad and family
To my lovely sister Joan, I miss all your laughs, Cora.
Dad ... It's been 3 months since you gained your wings, nobody understands how much I miss you. I hope wherever you are you're getting a wee dram
To Will, you only got 17 years with us here, you are loved & missed every day, love Mum, Dad, Louise & Freddie
Anne, the one true friend who was always there, through thick and thin, think of you many times every day and miss you so much xxx
In my hear & memory every day, love you for ever Elaine xxx
Hey Grumblechops, building your sheds and bonfires out in the great blue yonder, don't forget me. Kentish hills and cold starlit nights are always yo
In memory of my gorgeous son Christopher he gave 13 years of joy to all he met. I miss you loads X
You were my life and my Soulmate and I can't believe that you are no longer here to hold me close. My darling David, I miss you loads 💙 xxxxxxxxxx
My beautiful Mother, Dora Haney, miss you so much, always n forever in my heart xx
Lorraine, my friend and artist, who died too soon. I bought her work.
Mum and Dad - missing you both. You gave me so much. Thanks for the love, the example, the advice, and the freedom.
Sharon Margaret Stewart, Our family chain is broken and nothing seems the same, but as God calls us one by one , the chain will link again.
To Delle, who will be gone 9 years on Nov. 7. Our friendship was too short, but it changed my life. Thanks for believing in me.
William I miss you so much
My Grandma, no words can describe how much I miss being able to talk to you when I need a friend
to my wee nannie jeannie. love u 4ever xx
My gorgeous beautiful mum . I love and miss you more each day.. now my beautiful angel xx
Betty - Thankyou for keeping our Edinburgh connection going!
My beautiful Mia, I miss you daily and wish I could share everything with you still. My heart breaks without you. Always and forever xxx
Frances, you live on in my mind and heart. I miss you so much. Lots of love xxxxx
In memory of Amelie- I wish I could have been with you at the end. Miss you so much every day.
Andy, never really an absent friend as you're still very much in my life,my love always xx
garg,mum,gran and yzzi, miss you all very much. Just to hug and talk to you, how i wish, love you to the moon and back xxxxxxxxx
My hero, my amazing Dad, who died last month. Loved and missed so very much. RIP Dad, I know you walk beside me. I love you Dad. xxx
Uncle Tom, our light, away too soon. Miss you always.
John, still miss you. Till we meet again, Love June.
Remembering my beautiful mum Greta who had the best laugh I've ever heard and sparkly eyes. How I wish I could get a cuddle from you right now. xx
Mum and dad. i miss yiu
Miss you mum, Miss yout love and bakiing xxx
Dearest Rhona.... I miss your calls as you travelled around the country.... It's hard not to hear your voice.... To see you one more time... x
Marina, I miss you all the time. Love Bill.
To my Uncle. Thank you for being a rainbow in my life. I'll carry your love with me always. Much Love.
To dad, great memories of dad on long walks on Mull of Kintyre looking for white heather.
My dear Bonobo Manchego David Perry. I miss you so very much and can't wait to see you again one day. I will always love you David Perry. Kerim xxxxxx
Too many names mention, too many memories to say, it's just enough for all of you to know your loved and remembered each and every day
My husband Robert who passed this year You were my soulmate and miss you so much always in our minds
Miss you so much.
Dad, 8 weeks gone today & the loss is inexplicable, I love you always x
Dad (Jimmy), you were the best dad I could ever ask for. you were my best friend. miss you forever.
To my fantastic Dad who did everything he could to be the best! I miss you so much but remember you with much love x
Mum, 29 years tomorrow, so miss having you as part of my grown up life. Always in my heart. Your bonnie lassie Gx
Our beloved Lesley gave us 35 years of parenthood filled with love and life experiences.We miss you every minute of every day. Love you lots.Mum & Dad
Remembering the beautiful Lorraine Johnston Brown. A brave and inspirational woman taken too soon. Rest in peace Mrs B xxx
Gran, I miss you every day. You would have loved your first great grandchild. Will always love you xxx
Miss you Daisy May. Good woman. Our mum x
My beautiful son Adam: you were so smart, funny, talented and loving as well as so sad. You will be missed forever!
Our Nana, Catherine Gilbertson, loved and missed every day xxx
Memories of Janet who would always say “Gonnae no dae that… gonnae no” and all our absent friends
"Gentleman Jim"- you will always be our hero xxx
Bambi, I miss you, I miss our chats, till we meet again xx
Mum dad malky Jean tam miss u all look after Kelly till we meet again xx
To Madge, Mum. Blessed that you were MY Mum for 50yrs. Miss you so much. Life's so hard without you but clinging to wonderful memories. Love you xxx
Irene, respecting your choices, wishing you peace. I will miss you. Cx
Not being allowed to eat food in the car
happy birthday gran smith your always in my thoughts love carole
Mum, you were my inspiration and strength. Love you and miss you every day xox
For my dad, it's been 8 years and I still miss you every day. I miss your humour, strength and warmth. I wish you were still here with us xx
To wonderful grandparents Bert & Peggy Cockburn thank you for your love & support G.
My beautiful son Gordon, forever 19 years old. 4 years of missing you with all my heart. Always on my mind forever in my heart xxx
My Pa. A gentle loving genious. Much to many, but to me - my Pa.
To my Mum. Thank you for everything. You are missed. xx
Michael, Catherine, Patricia and Thomas. You are remembered and loved.
Duncan - Thank You for being my dad & sharing your values & beliefs on humanity.
Janice - How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard. Loved & missed everyday XXX
Their love enriched us all XX
Sweet Molly Brown, wish you were here to help me eat all this candy. Missing your laugh, friendship and love of life.
Dad, I thought it would get easier, but I miss you more and more every day. I wish you could be with us and see Matthew growing up. Love Pam xxxx
Willie Miller, Never forgotten. Hazel.
Jacqui doll. One of the funniest people I have ever met. Your stories of your life were the best. The most inspirational nurse and friend to all. X
goodbye grannie smith please forgive me for not being able to do more for you rip until we meet again love carole
Remembering very special mum, dad nanna and grandad.We think about you every day and the special times and thankyou .love kathy neil rachael sarah x
Our funny Fifi. A whole year has now gone by. Our strong, stubborn, hilarious, gentle, kind big sis xxx
mum & dad loved always - buy cheap buy twice and rise to the challenge - words that brought me up, thanks to you both
In loving memory of my mum. Taken too soon, sadly missed everyday. She taught me everything except how to live without her 💞💞💞
Remembering you always, Rena.
To my loving husband adam,love and miss every day.xxxx
Hannah - Thank You for being my mum & sharing your wisdoem & taking the time
Mum, everyday something happens and I want to text or call you and have a laugh about it. Thank you for just always being there. Miss you always xxxx
Dearest Josh I have learned so much since you died. Think of you every day and miss your future as much as I miss your past. Love you always. Mum x
Love and miss you every day dad. The years do t make it easier to remember good times we should have still had xxx
In memory of my beloved parents, William and Elsie Gray.
My favourite memories of you are when we went to free parties and camping, you always got us home. Thanx Joe, R XXX
My gorgeous handsome husband Michael my first xmas without you. I miss you so much and love you. Always in my thoughts God bless Syl xx
You were the best friend anyone could ever wish for. I miss all our fun times together,. So thankful you were in my life. Miss you every single day.
Gran, thanks for every dance you danced with me and every song you sang. I know your song always lives on in my heart and makes me sing stronger.
For mum, dad and Peter who I miss everyday. Always in my thoughts.
For Elaine & Paul, I still can't believe you're both gone and that I'll never see your smiles again or hear you call me Pammie.💕
You were my down to earth hard working gran-such a lovely strong woman and role model-I will always treasure the love you showed me and Your fab knits
May your long sleep be very turquoise Gorgeous Girl xx
Your courage and acceptance is something I will never forget Damian. Miss you.xxxxx
Mum and dad - gone but not forgotten. Thank you for giving me the greatest gift of all, JESUS. xx
To my parents - Thank you for doing your best and giving me a childhood and adolescence which was a far cry from your own formative years in WW2.
Mum, you may have died young but your spirit will always live on. Miss you more with each passing day. Josie xx
Colin, I miss you every day
For Dave who drove me mad and kept me sane. Forever changed without you.
May your smile shine on Jenna...love and miss you so much....
For my father - friend, role-model, gentleman... you never really 'get over it'. Love you and miss you da!
Dad miss you so much life's that little bit harder with you not here.Love you loads and thinking of you always Ruthie.xxx
To my parents with gratitude - they did their best despite the sadnesses of their own lives
Thank you so much my darling Mr Sooty for your love and for helping me become the person I am today. Connie and I love you forever. XXX
Alan, you were a true gentleman, Shirley.
Remembering with love always my aunt and Godmother Kitty - you enriched my life and the lives of my children xxxx
Happy birthday Mark, so much more than best friends. Love you always Cotton tail xxx
granda reid may you,susan and my mam pauline rest in peace with gran & granda smith & joe god bless you all hope we meet again in heaven love carole
My sisters Cat, Lucky.
Remembering my lovely dad, so kind and kept us safe
Love you dad xxx
Still waiting here yet a while, see you soon my son, my boy Love Mummy
Mum&Dad Oh How I Miss You Both Every Day..Show Me The Way.
love and miss you every day gran god bless you rest in peace love from carole
Ross, miss you every day xx
I met my wife at the Cavendish dancing – happy days.
Clare was only 21, she went too soon.
Miss you Mum,The laughs we shared your sense of fun, but I know that your watching us and looking after Charlotte. She can help you with the snowmen
Sophie, my brother Davids first dog. She Loved going down Roslin Glen with David.
Granny & Grandad, I wish you could have met my boys, you would have been so proud of them. Miss you. I will always talk to you when I see the stars xx
Each night I light 3 candles; for absent friends, family and the love that draws us all together. Always in my heart, Dad, Mum, Eve xxxx
Too many gone far too soon, Dad, nana, granny, grandas, aunts, cousins and inlaws.Love and miss you every day. xxx
Mum, dad & Ian we miss yous everyday you live on in our hearts and the smiles of the innocents. Love always your girls & families
To dad with love always, Nigel.
No words to describe how much you are missed and loved: Johnny, Jonnie Sue, Brian, Emily. You live in my heart, mind and soul.
Dad, I love you. x
My angel baby Karthik, Love u 2 d moon and back. Shine bright always, our dear Guardian Angel. U r d best big bro. Love, Mom and Dad.
Captain gringo you left too soon - have missed every day since and always loved you
Remembering you Alison
Brian, Thanks for all the happy memories you have left me and I will always love you. x
Dear Kit, been long time since you passed unexpectedly hit by a truck, but my love for you keeps you living through me in everything I do.You Inspire!
Dad, I thought time would heal but it doesn't. I miss you now more than ever. So proud to be your daughter xxx
Dad many years have passed but it still feels like yesterday. To my brother James still so many unanswered question, rest in pease buddy.
In loving memory of my mum Mary Scott
Still miss you. Wish I knew then what I know now.
For my kind, handsome, smart, funny (but mostly handsome) brother Anthony, gone too soon but never forgotten. Love you ❤️
My beautiful gorgeous mu.
Covid19 took my brother Steffen away. I miss his loud booming voice, his laugh. Would have loved to share all the family stories in old age. Not fair.
In memory of my loving mum Veronica always in my heart X
dad you are forever in my heart love and miss you everyday also my big brother loce you colin look after dad till we meet again xxxx
To my two heroes. My wee mam and gran. You were a big part of my life and helped make me the person I am today.Will love and miss you forever. May’x
Kettle Gran, Mum & I think of you all the time. You are so missed.
John and Lynette. Tears of joy at your wedding, tears of sadness less than a week later. Together forever, xx
Dear Mum, love and miss you always, wish you could see your granddaughter now. Mary xxx
Miss you Dad so much love you to the moon and back xxx
Gone from our lives but forever in our hearts miss u more than words could ever explain nana Maggie love Cheryl and kids xx
to my best buddy my Mum. I miss you every day and love you with all my heart. I know you are watching over me and helping me through PPP
38yrs since mum was taken from us. I hope I’ve made you proud miss you
My Mum, 24 years this month, you were an amazing woman, I miss you but carry you with me always. xx
Dad, Jen just emailed me a daft poem you wrote for her in 1996. You are so near. Eileen
Miss you mum and dad..i wish vinu saw his grand parents. every new venture i step in i so wish you were there to celebrate and encorage. LOVE always..
Having a drambuie and some tablet for you Dad. Love you xx
My beautiful gran. You taught me so much about love & kindness. I have so much gratitude in my heart. I miss you every day. Until then ❤️ Valerie
Mum, I miss your wicked sense of humour and your homemade rice pudding. Xx
Can't believe it's been 18 months since we said our last goodbye without ever knowing it xxx Love & miss you every day Auntie Helen xx
I will always remember your lovely smile and easy laughter x
So many questions I wish I had asked you. Sxx
Grandma - even after so many years, you are still an inspiration
Kelly my beautiful daughter died aged 17 love and miss u more every day I am numb of emotion since u left my heart died with u xxxx
love you forever dad, thank you for everything x
In memory Nick Stormont Musselburgh Roads Cycling Club.
To Will, we all miss you everyday, you are still so much part of our family & always in our hearts. Mum, Dad, Louise & Freddie
Many years have gone by now but still miss you my absent sister, every day
To Kirsty my sister who was an amazing person. Miss everything about you xxx
To those I have loved dearly and lost too soon, before I could hug you and say "I love you" . You will always be with me and always be loved xxx
Grant, I should not be writing this here as you should be here with us now. This year has been the hardest my family has lived with you not here. Why!
auntie janet, missed so much! xxxxxx
Margaret, 3 years already. Still Miss You. X
To my father. I wish I had known you better. I wish I had understood why you were like you were. The war had a lot to answer for. Rest in peace xx
To Alan, hope you're together with the dad you missed all these years. We all miss you so much. Night night sweets x
Have a wee sing song, be happy where ever you all are. I think of you and smile.
Andrew, tiny feet - massive imprints. 👣 so proud to be your Mum. Xx
I miss you everyday mum, you were my rock and best friend. Miss all the mischief you got up to!! Love xxx
Miss you Daisy May Scott.
Miss you dad, your quiet presence and your strength.
For my two precious angels Gerard and Roisin ,miss you both so much ,safe together until we meet again God Bless Mummy xxxc
Thank you Mum for giving me so much, for making me the woman I am today...and for your top Janet Street Porter impressions!..You're ALWAYS with me x
Daniel, my baby brother, forever young you'll always be, 13 too soon, your death a permanent scar on my heart. Just keep swimming my wee Danio I <3 U
Dad gone but never forgotten love you xx
To many friends. I hope it's true.
Mum, I love you and miss you everyday.
To my son Daniel, love and miss you more everyday, a light went out the day I lost you
Dad you are still in our hearts and thoughts in all the little things we do. Love always x H
Raymond, my wonderful neighbour.
Allen, you are always a part of my life. We love you and miss you so much. Sending lots of hugs to you in Heaven. xxx
Dominic, my amazing son and Nina my lovely Mum, the inspiration behind everything i do; i miss you both like crazy and love you to the moon and back x
Dad, still miss you so much 7 years later, wish I could hug you again x
to my daughter Kirsty, I miss your smile, I miss your voice, I miss your presence, I miss your courage, I miss you , I will always be your Mum xx
dear Toni, i miss you always, if only facebook could reach heaven i know you would be in touch all the time, love you forever, Roo and wee Maisie xxx
My Dad - my inspiration. Hope I've done you proud xx
Wish you were still here. I know a little person who would have loved you; and who you would love too. Instead she will hear our stories about you xx
To my best Friend Ellen Welch Dudovick, I miss you, but I know you are staying close to all who love you.
in memory of my mum and dad taken so suddenly last year I miss them so much xx your angel Susan
JOYCEY! I still heed your advice - now you're gone more than ever. Thank you for your beautiful energy x
You taught me so much, live everyday and have no regrets, thanks.
Father Lochtie you I will remember, till we meet again.
To my big brother. You always looked out for me. The world is just a bit lonelier without you in it.
Ah Dad...my heart is broken...may you be at rest ... j
Love you forever Dad, I’ll cherish the last few days forever. Till we meet again 💚 xx
Kane my little brother Chloe
Dad you were only 43 and you would be 70 this Nov 2017! The years roll on you are not dead to me, just away, loved and remembered every day
To my Soulmate Dave....it's only been 8 weeks! Always loved and forever in my heart. I will NEVER forget you! Sweet dreams Sweetie xxxxxxxxxx
Missing my brother Billy who died so suddenly a few months ago .Our family will never be the same without you xx
aunty betty miss you love you think about you always you are in a better place now
my lovely dad
To Lynda, always in my heart and thoughts. Forever friends.
Loving my Mum, my Dad, John and Darren. Miss you, the boys miss ever meeting their grandparents, but we know you love them xxx
To Christopher and Steven, auntie Joyce and my grandparents gone but never forgotten xx always in our hearts xx
David to have never have know you, is to have never have loved you . Our Mr Blue sky xx❤️
My brother hope your still free as a bird miss you so much YNWA 💚
To Chris my darling husband and father of Louise and Iain your memory lives on . We miss you so much you are always in my thoughts. Xxx'
DAD.....Every year ill shed a tear but only because i miss you
Dad you are missed by all the family and taking from us too early luv you xx Jan
Missing you doesn't fade. Your generosity brought joy to people, your support & challenge encouraged their development and your love cosseted me.
For Cos. You welcomed me so warmly into your family. Thank you.
Thoughts of the family I have lost.
Norman & Patricia Morse together again at last. Miss you both so much. Rosie xx
Mum, Dad, Helen, baby I miss you all every day. As time goes by, it does not get better... d
To my amazing brother, Andy and his beautiful wife, Alison - both taken far too early. Missed and loved every single day by so many. Elaine xx
to jimmy ,love and miss you every day a lot has happened since you have been away ,tho i think you would like how they have for us ,always in our thou
Great Uncle Albert only 19 killed on Armistice Day when HMS Seagull sank in the Clyde forever young forever missed
Thank you both for believing in us! We would be where we are without you. Thank you.
my brother Robert one of the most loved totally crazy people I miss.
Thank you for the 29 years we shared my lovely daughter. Just as you life had come together in so many ways, and you were in a happy place. Love Dad
Mum, I love you and wish I'd recognised your strength while you were alive
My beautiful Stepmum Charlotte, you're with me everyday guiding me and walking with me. Every time I smell Chanel I feel you even closer. I love youx
Miss you mum xxx
Remembering a dear son in law, “Tommy was the man “
sunshine through my window thats what you are (Gabriel song). Miss you always Mum.
My Dearest Kevin, Miss you every day and night, you are loved very much
Jim Marshall. The most inspirational musician ever. More than a decade since you left us but your spirit lives on in our hearts & music. SNB & CBB xxx
miss you every day dad you were on in millon xxxx look after mark for me
For 2 lovely men, taken too soon because they couldn't tell anybody about their symptoms. 2 of the voiceless, the 'seldom heard'.
At peace at last.
Missing all my family and friends. You will always have a special place in my heart. Love you forever.
Susannah I miss you still, even though more of my life has been spent without you in it. You share my most precious memories.
Grandma D, I miss you every day. I'd do anything to have one more day with you. Always in my heart never forgotten xx I love you, your little princess
Gran miss your wit and wisdom but it does live on! always knew you'd be missed just never knew how much x
Miss u so much mum William wish I could have had more time wa u both
George. Nearly a year gone, but a friend and inspiration forever. RIP old boy.
To my mum and dad, miss you both loads.
mum and dad I miss u both so much. i know when u are with me when I hear our special song. this gives me great comfort. stay with me x
To James and Christopher, God must be needing all the good guys in heaven. We miss you two everyday. The Whyte's. xx
In loving Memory of My Mum Dad and Husband Billy Davidson. Miss you all so much. Never forgotten xxxx♥️♥️♥️
Sara - why? What happened? You left a great void behind you. I hope you have rejoined your beloved and found peace.
Just gone eight years. You should be here to see your grandchildren .I wish I could talk to you, Dad .You feel so far away . Love you xx
Come stop your crying, it will be alright. Take my hand, hold it tight. I will protect u from all arnd u, I will be here don't u cry. Love you mum xxx
Agnes I miss you. You were a great friend. I still have my tea party hat but then you know you are looking down from heaven.
To my best friend and brother, it’s been a year, and I still miss you every day. Rest in Peace bud.
I miss you everyday and will never understand why you were taken from us. Always in my heart Uncle Baz x
Mum (Nessie) You tought me so much and I miss You every day x
Missing you mum and dad, life is not the same without you both. Until we meet again ❤️❤️
life is just not the same without you here Dad think of you every day we miss you so very much love always Linda &Carys xx
Heather, you remain the love of my life after 16 years. Rest peacefully darling. All my love xx
Grannie, you united us and made us strong. We have so much to thank you for. I know that you would be proud of us all. I miss you. Now & Always x
My darling Gran - you are missed everyday, love always x
So many travel stories I so wish to have shared with you. Viv.
My boy's lost twin. Remembered.
in the garden of happy memories it is always summer rip gran smith love carole
To my two babies who died before you lived. I couldn't save you. I'm sorry.
Siobhan, I still miss you and think about you even after all these years.
Still trying to fill the hole left in my life xxx
Granny Daisy,I know you can still hear my foghorn voice up there 😂, love you always 💔xx
The shortest time, the longest memories - The biggest smiles, the brightest star - Declyn (aunt D xxx)
Dad, miss and love you everyday, looking after mum for you, she has done so well xxx
To my mother. I never realised how much of a stabalising influence that you were through my life until you were no longer there. I miss you. xxx
Mum and Dad ❤️You reneged on the deal to live to 100. Miss you everyday x
Waiting in the wind Sandra and missing you xx
To Kelly - a much missed friend.
To my two babies. Died on the inside before you could be alive on the outside. You will always live on in my heart. I love you both.
For my mummy and daddy.
My loving mum, so brave and now in peace.
To my darling Connor. Your laugh still rings in my head and I miss it every single day. A beautiful spirit gone too soon. Til we meet again
the strongest, bravest person I have ever known and proud to call my mum. Miss you more than anyone knows, forever in my thoughts and heart xx
Remembering beautiful Francesca, so caring & thoughtful of others, heartbreaking how soon you were taken, think of you often Love always Karina xx <3
To my Mum and Dad, thank you for everything. Miss you always.xx
Love you mother and I miss you dearly xxx
Mum and Dad... I miss you both so much. A piece of my heart broke twice when you died. Forever remembered, never forgotten. All my love ❤️
For my mum, dad and big brother Peter, always remembered, never forgotten. Love and miss you.
Hope your still giging up there Dougsta,forever in my heart xx
Mum and Dad not a day passes we don’t think or talk about you, we miss you always... Fraser, Dianne, Victoria and grandson Michael xxx
Love you nanna
Love and miss you every day Dad - Best friends xxxx
miss you matt. think of you every day. xxx
11 years today since you died dad. Miss you & mum lots of love x x x
Mum, It is only now, a year later, I realise the enormity of the hole you left. You were my rock and best friend. Love & miss you always, Aimee xx
To all the fallen, thinking of your families and friends and loved ones, sleep tight RIP
You have missed so much George, you would be so proud of your family Amber Eoghain and most of all Eilidh ❤️💙💕
Nana, Stephen. Baba K you are with me every day love always Mama K
Love and miss you mum every day x Thank you for being my mum x
Elizabeth who truly loved and was loved. An ordinary life of an extraordinary woman.
My darling Dennis you left me far to soon. Miss you more than anyone will ever know. Love you always. Shona xx
To absent friends Fay x
To my niece, Macha the mouth, you died too young and before I could say goodbye. Goodbye sweet child. From Aunty Pauline
Life is finite, love is endless Mark, Ross and Dad XXX
Remembering you Dad with lots and lots of love.
Chloe Bubbles a year tomorrow since you got your wings. Love and miss you more than you will ever know. Sparkle on my girl xxx
I Love you George with all my heart. The little boy I name as my son. I miss you now and forever love your Daddy.
Love you dad
Ride hard into night
Mum, Dad and Nig - you walked in beauty! Miss you always! Xxx
Dad, grieving you alone is the hardest, Our I breakable bond has been fractured. I love you and miss you x
Mum, Still think of you and miss you everyday.
Too Young Too Soon Laura - 'When it rains look for rainbows when its dark look for stars' We are trying & on that journey. You are our shining star.
Hola Carmen! Thank you for your inspirational self - With Much Love and Appreciation.
Grandad Pat. Strong, kind and an ever-loving presence in the family. We'll all miss you. xx
For Emily, my beautiful daughter 💕 14 years & I still miss you every day 💔
You were my down to earth hard working gran-such a lovely strong woman and role model-I will always treasure the love you showed me and Your fab knits
To remember my dad, who I miss everyday.
Remembering with much love my dear dad William Moore who passed away two years ago today. Always in our hearts. A great dad & human being. Alexis xox
Dear Mum, 14 years have passed but we miss and talk about you all the time but in your grandchildren I can see you everyday x love you always x
My Mum died aged 50, miss you every day for last 30 years xx
miss you always Dad, not a day goes by without thinking of you. Love you and miss you xx
Dad I love & miss you everyday. Wish that we could have one more moment so I could let you know how much you meant to me & I am sorry. xx
Happy birthday 🎂 Mum, lov n miss you every day xx
I think of you falling from that bridge, your hair blowing everywhere and angels catching you and making you free. Fly high my sweet Emma.
To Mum and Dad miss you every day always in our hearts and cherish all the memories we had growing up love iain and linda Noble and family xx
untill we all meet again r.i.p gran,granda smith mam joe smith and granda reid and susan phipps love and miss you all love carole
Daddy, I miss you so much more than you could ever know. You were my very best friend and I love you endlessly. See you again x
Penny, Rosemary and Georgina, taken home so quickly. Thankyou for teaching me so much and enriching my life, good friends.we will re-unite with joy.
mum, Jean, wee gran. Sadly missed :-(
happy 100th birthday to my gran rachel smith. will always remember our special time we had together and all the love and help you gave me r.i.p love c
To someone who could fix everything except himself.
Robert miss you more each day and will continue to fight for justice for you. Always in my heart xx
Betty Stewart Mum not a day goes by when we dont think of you, in our heart you are always here, we love and miss you always.
These past 8 months have been difficult without you Alex.
Cathy you are sorely missed. Love Brenda
Each and every day I strive to make you both proud, gone from sight never my heart. Love you Mum & Dad, xx
Robert, sorry I did not see you again after you went away on holiday. I will miss sharing your blueberries and all the banter and laughs we had. XX
To my true other half & soul mate. Miss you more each day. My Dad, teacher & best friend x
For my Gran you were and always will have my heart miss you always x love Skinny xx look after your boy my Daddy united again xx
Dad, if it wasn't for you I wouldn't like rugby and Adam wouldn't be playing. We miss you so much
To Grandma, your mischief, sense of fun, and caring ways are never forgotten. I only wish there had been time for more of it! Rx
Mam, you were my hero. Nothing could have prepared me for losing you. I will miss and love you, until the twelfth of never. Forever your Ma May xxx
Lewis ❤️ 😇 Hynd we love and miss you everyday our wee hibee up in heaven love mum, dad, Joanna and Wee Glen xxx
Sorry we lost touch Stephen x always in my thoughts, wish I could have helped you x
Dad. On 11:11 you'll be 150 days gone. I salute all war heroes but my Remembrance Day is for you. Forever grateful to @Accordhospice for all they didx
Lester, you were and are my life, always in my heart and soul xxx
In memory of my angel Brook love mum & dad.
Nanna, I still find it hard to believe that you are no longer here. I miss sharing news with you in the conservatory. I miss you.
Hi Joe, we still remember you and love you. I was talking about how I did a great time in the half-marathon, because 'I ran with a whippet'. Aye, you!
Mum/Sadie/Nonny-your strength,loyalty&stubbornness were legendary-I owe so much to you. Here's to pancakes,truffles and a glass of champagne!
To my lovely mum Iris, dad Vic and big sister Linda - wonderful memories of love and laughter. Miss you, Jan xxx
For my darling husband, I miss you every moments fi every day. It is nearly five years now since you passed away and I miss you more as time goes by.
My angel Jimmy 💚💚💚💚💚
To Paul. I will never forget you slipping in the chopped chives or your attempt to kill a toothache with jaegermeister. I miss that smile xxx
To mum, You are missed a lot.
To my beautiful mother Etta Macdonald miss you more each day
Dear My Bootbag I miss you every day. Hope you are loving our balloons. J x
Mam, Can honestly say without your craziness I would never have dared dream as big as I do, let alone achieve them. Thank you - you were perfect xxxxx
pat hope you have a safe journey to heaven and hope you will be at peace and reunited with bill god bless you r.i.p love carole
Margaret, our beautiful sister. You are missed soo much by soo many! Always in our hearts, until we meet again.xxx
Miss you every day mum........thank you for bring my friend, my guide and always bring there in time of need ...remembering you every day all my love.
Lynda, miss you everyday, trying to keep an eye on Will and Em got you
My mum, my dad and my brother - remembering and loving you always xxx
Camping trips, fishing and enjoying life. Thank you! You live on in me and you will live on in my children. What a legacy!
Bren - I rember you every day.
My darling Sarah Jane, loving and missing you with your beautiful smile. Forever in our hearts. Our sweet, brave girl.
Arthur McAneny - taken too soon by the COVID Pandemic. Amazing Father, Grandfather & Friend to all who knew him. Shine Bight Auld Yin! Miss You.XXX <3
Grans are great - well, you were. I remember your love and it makes me smile. You are away, but your influence lives on. Lx
Ride hard into night, Meet your brothers as they wait, Together again.
To my most loving and best Dad, I love and miss you so much. Thank you for everything, I hope I can live in a way that makes you proud. Love Nikki xxx
Thanks Mum.
Will miss my lovely husband and mum always xxxx
To Bill my father in law. You inspired me when alive + still do - Cheers.
Tom - miss your wisdom.
Granny B, always missing you and remembering you. So many happy memories and funny sayings. Wish you were still here.
Nearly two weeks since you left us Dad - will miss you every day and love you more - sleep tight xxxx
To Mum & Dad, Miss you loads. You would be very proud of your Grandkids. xx
Gary D, my husband, soulmate, best friend and light of my life. Forever 51 and forever in my heart. Love and miss you always xx
I still miss you now, Papa, 32 years later. Love you, Debbie xx
Your love shaped my whole life-I miss you now as much as I did 51 years ago-you will always be my loving Dad x
When I am old I shall wear purple - I will wear it for you Irene in love & laughter & in celebration of you & women. x
Your missed every day Janette Murray by all the family xx
Jon - You left us before you could take the world by storm
Elaine, missing your cheekiness and kindness. No more pain x
For my Grandad Thomas Semple and my Great Aunt Gracie Black I wasnt ready to say goodbye memories live on through us all
I miss you Kenny every second of every day. You were my soulmate, my love and my inspiration.
Dad, you were such and inspiration to so many and loved by so many more! We all miss you and love you so much! Exemplo Ducemus. X
You always loved yellow Gran. We love & miss you every day. xx
Danny, my sweetest friend, I still miss you, and love you...You will always be my best friend...
My darling Dove, the children & I miss you every moment of every day. How can 8 months have gone by? Your legacy lives on. Aml always and forever xxx
To my brother George died February 2012 miss you every day R.I.P xxx love Moira
dearest Kate missing you every day miss the good old days love u millions xx
Dear Auntie Marion, Auntie Shelley, Grampa Fergie, Uncle Alastair, Nana & Papa - miss you all so very much & think of you often. Always in our hearts!
To my dear friend. Taken too soon and too young. Your red lips were a significant feature and will live on. Gone but not forgotten. Love your besto xx
Nessie, my beautiful sweet little girl. Love you forever-stay close.
to racheal & henry & joe & pauline smith & ted reid & susan phips thank you for all your love & help god bless you r.i.p love carole
To Fred, I never could win at cards or scrabble but you were never “Dean Martin” but you did try, thank you! X
For a dear husband Dave, Mum and Dad, Older Sister Brenda and Younger Sister Janette, loved and missed every day along with many more xxx
Catherine it was cruel how it all ended so hard your sons are a credit to you your family and friends still miss you so very much x
John you were a humble man of great intelligence, warmth and tenacity. I loved having you as my Dad. x
Eunice was fastidious about cleaning - on holiday I awoke each morning to her outside on the south terrace sweeping the sheep’s turds off the grass
My mum, remembering how you didn't like the dark evenings and hoping you're in the light. Love you and miss you so much xxx
my dear Wilf sorely missed. You have given me so much strength. Thank you x
Jean and Evelyn, miss your humour and friendship so very much.
Jill, the best dog ever.
Your funny stories, our love for Potter, your clootie dumpling... So many memories of you, forever in my heart. Love and miss you Gran, Nicola x
Ross, never forgotten, always wondering. Miss you xx
To our beloved Mum & Dad. Always in our thoughts forever in our hearts. 💕
Dad, Dave & Thomas. Miss u all.
James my Dad missing you everyday taken to young, your our brightest star xxxx
Hi mum n dad hope ur both well n looking down on us miss n love u so much n my 3 babies I never got to have n to all my friends who were taken too soo
Oh to have just one more day with my Mum & Dad, Mum in Law, Dad in Law & Brother. There's so much I would say. They taught me so much. Thank you xxx
I loved you always my strange, funny, infuriating one of a kind brother-how proud I was when you walked me down the aisle.Miss you now and always xx
Betsy Boo; Your boys will never want for love and support and we will keep you alive in them. Thanks for stopping by x
John Sharp, great grandpa, who fell in the Great War in 1918, before meeting his youngest child, our gran. Thankful for her long and peaceful life
Robert - The Musician, Writer, who never dared to dream. Missed opportunities... ongoing echoes...
Dad every day I think of you and wish I could have one last chat xxx 😭
Margaret & Paul
Always there through life's ups an downs to talk things over, miss this support and friendship as much as the laughs and banter. Miss you Anne, Paulax
to my best friend my darling there not day go by where i dont think about you i know you are at peace now and not in pain anymore
You told me you were dying but I didn't want to believe it. I'm sorry I didn't talk to you about it when I had the chance. I miss you so.
Thinking of you a lot, John and Robert.
In Loving memory of my dad gone but never forgoten x
Nanna, so freaking blessed to have you until 101, and to have your powerful genes!
Gran, I miss you so much. I'm still inspired by your faith, and I'll forever be grateful for the example you set in how to live and love well. X
To my sister, I miss you very much since you passed away, from your sister Margaret.
Think of you every time I pour a G+T dad
My dad was down the pit and the smell of coal when he got home. We would run and kick the coal dust
Miss you lots, love Tom.
Miss you, Paul. Never got to say a proper goodbye. Still can't quite believe there won't be any more messages from you. xx
To my Gigi , Ms. Essie Lee Mayes, I love you.
Hello honkeytonk! Was a favourite expression my mum used.
Miss you John, I wonder if you can see how loved you were, I hope you are at peace and happy. You had such a huge impact on everyone
Missing you Grandad, can't believe it's been a year since you passed away xxx
Liam, I miss you always, I miss the energy you brought to everyone and I miss being able to talk to you. I hope you had a good Halloween, love Steph x
Really miss you Mum
We always talk about you Lindsay and we will never forget you, there is always someone missing at our gatherings, your sense of fun lives on in us all
John Muderson, missing you every day.
My wonderful mother and best friend Etta Macdonald who passed 16.09.15 will never stop missing you - wonderful gran to Orla
Remembering our handsome, intelligent son. 10 years on 28/11/19 but a day does not go by when we don’t think about you. A son to be proud off.
Musarat Begum she was a strong living legend and deeply missed
Each night I look to our northern skies and think of you my lovely man xxx
Big Al a true mate - taken too early. Hope the beers good wherever you are.
Every day, 8 months later, I remember how you ran into the arms of Jesus. What a blessing it was to have you in life and watch you run into new life.
My husband used to sing O’Danny boy the pipes are calling, Nessie x
David and Frank, my two wonderful brothers, gained their wings to early, gone from sight but not from my mind or heart. Xxx
To my beautiful Mum (Evelyn McGoldrick). There is never a day goes by that u r not in my thoughts! I miss u more each day & wish u were still here! x
happy new year gran you are still in my heart god bless rip love carole
Dad, you never did make me a bed, so I bought one in your memory instead. I miss you, but I love the memories. x
To my Mother, Uncle Robert, Uncle Jimmy , uncle Johnny and Auntie Helen9 Nena) without you all to care and love me I would not be the woman I am today
For Yvonne our brown eyed girl. We love & miss you xx
My Lal, what lovely memories I have now that I've learned to live without you.
to Bridget, Ron and all my other loved ones in heaven...I love and miss you and look forward to a joyous ribbon one day.
I’ll love you forever, Dad.
Dearest Grandpa the only person I know that could name over 100 types of potatoes. Will love you forever. x
My greatest loss. My greatest loss. Was also my greatest blessing. Like she said. Tears slowly dropped. "Sure I'm not going anywhere" she told me.
Miss you Mum and Dad every day. Forever in my heart xxxx
Hazel, I think of you everytime I see a white feather. We will miss you next weekend, but we will toast you with pink champagne as always xxxx
to granda reid may you r.i.p in heaven with my mam
To my beautiful daughter Fiona .. as each day passes it's a day closer to being reunited with you. I love and miss you so much. Love you, Mum
Love your forever Robert.....you managed to fix everyone and everything but yourself.....till we meet again... my friend lover and soulmate
Gran, you were the world to me. My life has felt very empty without you but know I was lucky to have "my special time with you"
Mum x, cath x, kerry x, grandma x To all my lovely absent friends – thank you for all your love.
To the Mum I hardly got to know but somehow instilled great values and style. Never forgotten.
I think I am missing quite a party somewhere; with Paul, Wilf, Win, Sooby ,and Bob. god bless- Man
Yvonne please know your mum, Billy & Amy miss you with every wakening day however they are doing fine xx
Granpa and Grandad, very much missed. I remember Grandpa breaking his glasses.
In our thoughts, family who have passed over.
We didn't always see eye to eye but you cared for us in your funny old way. Hope you are happy wherever you are, Grandma.
To bonny Jeannie, one day I caught myself smiling and I realised I was thinking of you.Miss you always, love Luigi x
Dear Mum, I wish I had been more understanding of you and more kind to you. I hope wherever you are you can forgive me. xx
Sister Lin - so talented, elegant, bright & kind. Saint-Seans 2nd piano concerto , you as the soloist; it will always be yours. So special. X
Miss and love you more than ever Grandad. Wish you could be here with us, you'd be so proud of all of us. Love you forever 💙💙
Dad. I know your still with us
Thank you for my childhood memories. For the picnics, the poetry, the card games and the cuddles. Miss you both. Glad youre together again. xxxxxxxxxx
Mum & dad, miss you both so much but try to remember how lucky I am that you were my parents. Alice, miss you too. Your chat and your laugh. Linzi x
To mum, Pam and grandad. You made us xxx
Dad. I hope I've made you proud. You are missed every single day. Love always, Mary x
To our dear friend Paula Aldin-Scott. We miss you loads, but cherish all the good memories.
You are missed more with the passing of each day & remembered fondly.
Yvonne our “Honky Tonk Woman” we all miss you so much.
Chris, heart of gold. Making, growing and adding to the kindness in the world. You will be missed by many.
Uncle Lynn I got all the good stuff, thank you for loving me. You are loved and missed.
Pete Kewley. A fine teacher and a great bloke.
My mum and best friend Marlene. I love u and miss u every second of the day. Thank you so much for everything. I was blessed to have u as my mum Karen
to the dad that i lost, and to the parts of mum that i lost when we lost him. i miss you, i love you, life was never the same again
I miss you Mum & Dad you were the best parents I could ever wish for . I will never ever forget you. Thanks so much from the bottom of my heart xxxxxx
Wee Gerry 💚💚 miss you so much but have a laugh at the things you used to do YNWA
We can’t bring back the old days when we were all together. People come and people go but memories stay forever.
You are forever 20yrs old but you've been like a brother to me all these years. Gone but never forgotten. Your pal, Michael
Sue, you were the bravest & most amazing person I've ever known. All my love.
Remembering MacKay(ak). What a guy. Loved him. Love and miss him greatly still.
To Loulou, mon oncle génial, plein de force et de personalité, tu me manques. Merci pour tout, je suis reconnaissante pour tout et je t'aime. Emi
Loved in life, loved beyond death. I miss you. x
In memory of my lovely Mum, Lou. She gave so much and expected so little. Thanks for your love, Lou, it is always with me
To Sindigo. Ya dancer! I'll miss you forever.
Miss you every day john xx
My husband john. He was a gem; he would share anything we had with everyone.
👁️❤️⬆️ And xxxx sleeping tight see you soon xxxx
Nannie, so many good memories. Miss you xxx
to gran and granda smith rest in peace thanks for all your love and help hope you are reunited in heaven with joe and my mam pauline may you all r.i.p
Your intense love, wit and brilliance will remain with me and those who knew you, for ever. Lieberstraum no 3 - your favourite to play -said it all.
Mum and Dad. Always and forever in my heart.
in loving memory of my mum and dad cathy and charlie maxwell. always in our hearts and thoughts. xx.
Mum, Dad and Grampa Dougie, you made our life so much brighter and made us feel happy safe and loved, we miss you and cherish our memories with love x
Not an hour in the day passes without thinking of my dear son Will, who was short changed on life. So glad he packed so much into those 17 yrs with us
Lovely Lou, I miss you every day ... all the laughter, all your care and how you listened and understood xx
Mum, you taught me so much , you would be truly proud of your grandson, he is wonderful , we talk of you often xx
it has been 7 years since you went gran still love and miss you sweet dreams in heaven gran love from carole r.i.p
Dad, words can't describe how much I love and miss you every day. Hope you are smiling down on us wherever you are and we are making you proud xxx
To Mum. 29 years ago this Saturday. I wish you'd met your granddaughters - they carry your fierceness and dignity. I hope you found peace. Love Emma
mum we miss you every day still talk to the stars xx
Miss you as much today as the day you went to sleep 30 years ago my wonderful dad. Miss you too every day mum you were my best friend
To dean, superfluffybunny , I wish we still had your bright smile here, your family miss you, we miss you. We love you.
My darling Doc, my wonderful Dad, my mum, Sue and Kyri. Always in mine, and my kids hearts xxxx
In memory of Maureen.
Dear God, i wish I could see my mom once and want to express how much I love and miss her.i strongly believe she will come to me one day before I die.
To Pamela, I knew you only 3 months but each year anew I wonder what amazing things you would have been doing xxx
To my dear parents who have been gone for so long but have never leave me.They are my guardian angels,still missed & loved in every way Norma xxx
mum,you were the best,still miss and think of you daily!
I think about you everyday, our relatioship has changed because youve died...not stopped, you will live in my heart forever.
Mum ... you are our sunshine 🌞 I miss your hugs x
My beloved Daddy, I still miss you so much
William, my only Son. You will never know what you gave us, and how you changed our lives. You died before you were born, but live with us every day.
Goodnight God bless Betty . We will never forget you. Give Dad a big hug and kiss. Till we meet again my beautiful sister. Love Martin & Tracyxxxx
Nana and Grandpop, snatched away when I never got to know you. To my baby I never held in my arms but always in my heart.
My beautiful boy I miss you and am grateful for your unconditional love
Johnnie, I think of you each day, our conversations continue and I feel your smile when I rush to share news.
to all those related and unrelated to me who had a connection with me. May your spirits live forever and may we remember u ;) xx
Michaela, the best friend a girl could ask for. Miss you everyday
dad .thanks for the laughs and being there for me miss you every single day x ernie your son
30 years dad & it still seems like yesterday 💜 my brother Sean 4 months & you are missed by everyone. My dog Ned , my baby & friend, I'm broken
“Roe the Po” was the nickname given to me by my aunty sally x
To a loving husband and a good friend, from Sheila.
To granny campbell, Miss you & love you still.
Love and miss you so much Kitty and Mick - my wonderful grandparentsxx
Helen, my big sister, I miss your crazy jokes so much. I thank God for you,and for my faith wich tells me you are happy in Heaven with mmmy and daddy
Mart - thank you for letting me be happy. Love you. Your kids are amazing. Thank you for those most precious gifts.
always remembered. Never forgotten! X
Mum, You went so suddently with not time for goodbyes's. Miss you. x
to gran & granda smith & joe & pauline smith & susan phipps thank you all for your love and help over the years god bless you all r.i.p love carole
Mum and Dad, I often think what my life would be like if you were still here.You were amazing parents. Love you Adele x
In memory of mum and dad and sister.
Missing you Auntie Betty, uncle Tony, dad, gran, nanny, grandad, Du& Ben xxxx
You were strong and gave me the best foundation a girl could ask for xx
My sweet canine friend, Shelby, we miss you so much. See you again one day....
Your love will live within our hearts forever. Love you my Mr Mark x x x
Happy birthday mummy. I will always love you and neve forget you.
to me fair friend you never can be old , for when your ye i first eye, such seems your beauty still, love Barbara
miss you more now as much as 20 years ago love you albyxx
sandra,still think of you daily and smile! x
Mum and dad. You left us with so many happy memories that will last us a lifetime. We miss you both so much it hurts. Your together again. xxxxx
To Martin,my big brother, I am so proud of you and all you achieved in your life. Miss you. x
My mum Muriel Petrie the most fantastic mother that ever lived i miss you so much. Emma
Miss you every day sweet sister Fi. Thinking about you just ahead of your birthday. xxx
My beautiful blonde boy, Jude. I miss you every second of every day. I love you always, mummy.xx
I miss you John love you so very much
Always in my head and in my heart.
Missing you mum and dad. Not the same without you.
Gran gran... I remember you mashing my egg in a cup with butter... I loved it! You made the best breakfasts! We miss you x
John miss you loads!! Remembering the laughs & the chats.
Dad, how you'd love the brass band. You are by my side always helping me look after mum. She will be with you soon. Love you.
Twenty-six years since Jeanette Best decided to go. What a legacy though - I wish you were here to see it. I hope you found restful mind and peace.
Nana Alice , Papa Alexander, Mummy Christine, Uncle Steven & My Precious Son Logan age 3 Love To You All I hope Your All Having Fun !!
happy 100th birthday gran you are still loved and remembered love carole
In memory of mum and dad.
mum & dad - still saddens me that you both died so young and missed so much but you are in my heart and i think of you often, josey
Da, missing you. x
Remembering our dad, John McFadyen. Loved and missed every day but comforted knowing you are not far away. Till we meet again. xxxxxxx
thank you for all the memories nana reid r.i.p may you be reunited with my mam granda and susan take care of all the family until we meet againl
Miss you all - you're around me and we'll meet again. It's a pity you didn't get to meet the kids but I know you love them anyway. Thanks!!
to my gran rachel smith may you rest in peace in heaven thank you for all your love and help over the years god bless you hope we meet again in heaven
Anna - Helen Keller said - Life's either a daring adventure ...or nothing. How daring were you!!! You still inspire us all. Lots of love Daddy
Mum, it's been 3 months since you joined Dad and I still can't believe you're both gone. I love and miss you both so much xxx
Miriam, I never got to say goodbye but you'll always be my big sister and have a special place in my heart.
Vernon...wish you were here, but you're not...you're there, and there doesn't know how lucky it is! Missing you loads, my brother. Ricky xxx
For the uncle I never knew but whose name and birthday I share. Killed 6th August 1944, Normandy, age 18. Not known but not forgotten
It's only been a few weeks since you left us miss you mum xx
Dad, I remember you riding your bike, until you could ride no more. Perseverance! XXX
To Agnes, I have so much to tell you it won’t fit on a small note lol. Wish you were still here, missing you loads, love Daya.
For my mum and gran who were strong, kind, happy and loving women in my life. I miss you dearly and will always love you both.
To three dear colleagues who worked tirelessly to improve the end of life experience of others, all to die of cancer too soon
Kitty - small + mighty. Thank you... xxx
Sweet funny Duncan. I hope you know how much we love you. It's agony missing you. We will meet again. Your loving Sister Anne. Xxx
Joshua. T
Iain,it's been nearly ten months and i still can't believe you're gone . I think about you every day .You understood me and cared. Miss you always .xx
Grandma, so many memories, but one of the everlasting things you have given me is a love of jewellery. xx
To my dad, Tommy Linton, keep looking down on your granddaughter, she is lucky enough to have ur smile, all out love, ur best pal and her wee girl xxx
Liz, to know you was to love you and love you forever and a day till a' the seas gang dry
Love and miss you more than ever Mum. Happy birthday for tomorrow. Love you xxx
Remembering my two most precious angels Gerard (17)and Roisin (6months) love and miss you both so much ,blessed to have been chosen as your mummy xxxx
To Omi and Opi, miss you more than ever.
Harriet - A life of a few days - Wish I could have known you longer, to drink of those memories.
Memories of Mary and dancing in Kyle
Ian, love and miss you more every day.
Thinking of you all.
Dad - we missed so much. I wish you were here every day.
Love and miss you, Mum. Would’ve loved a wee chat tonight.
To Les my husband, soulmate and daddy to Euan. We miss you everyday still can't believe you've gone. 4 months has seemed like an eternity. Love you xx
Bongour et Bon nuit Ginette - Thank You for touching me in the formative years!
Miss you little Nanna. Your heart was so big and your smile so full.
Mam Dad Granny All uncles and aunts.Couisins n friends. Loved always.Always loved.
I wasnt ready to lose you mum, think of you every day.Sleep tight x x x
Miss you Uncle Tommy can still hear your laughter rippling through the family
Grandad - much loved and fondly remembered.
For my mum and dad loved and remebred every day .And to all my other relatives sadly passed but always fone memories R I P X
Jayne - with the dirtiest laugh in the world. It was a privilege to lead your funeral service. Love from Judy xx
In memory of my mum, passed away 5 years, still miss her every day.
Opa & Ted. I think of you often, and will never forget the left lessons you shared
Remember you every day Dad with a smile, a laugh and a wish to have you here. Always in my mind and forever in my heart XX
Dearest Sheila, Edinburgh feels empty without you. Thank you for being such an inspiration.
In memory of Richard James, husband, Dad, soulmate, love and miss you so much. Xx
Dawn - you had tough times in your life but always had a smile. Although you've now been gone for longer than you were here, we all still miss you xxx
To the Toonser Loon... I've still not met anyone who comes close to your wee ways. I miss everything about you and us.
Mum, I miss being able to talk with you. I wish I could hear your voice one more time. Thank You for your love and friendship, missing you every day.
Miss you loads Hayleigh. Everyone was cheered up with your beautiful smile. James and Emma talk about you all the time. Fly high. Love Mum & Dad

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